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Journal — sun and moon symbol

Sun and Moon: The Yin and Yang in Fashion

Sun and Moon: The Yin and Yang in Fashion - Crystallized Collective
Fashion and spirituality often cross paths, creating designs that not only delight the eye but also resonate with the soul. In the world of Crystallized Collective, fashion is a reflection of personal expression, and the eclectic collections are more than just clothes and accessories—they're a connection to the higher self

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What Does The Sun and Moon Symbol Mean? An Exploration of Sun and Moon Motifs in Art and Design

What Does The Sun and Moon Symbol Mean? An Exploration of Sun and Moon Motifs in Art and Design - Crystallized Collective
Sun and Moon motifs have been used in art and design for centuries, representing various aspects of human life and culture. From ancient times to modern day, these celestial bodies have played an integral role in inspiring creativity and design. In this article, we explore the significance of sun and moon motifs in art and design, and how they have been used across different cultures.

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